

时间:2024-01-15 06:57:34 伤感说说 我要投稿
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  1、你闪耀一下子,我晕炫一辈子。When you shine, I'll be dazzled all my life.

  2、随着我们渐渐长大,就更不可能拿爱去爱一个人了。As we grow up, it is more impossible to love someone with love.

  3、臉部沧桑的面容,苦笑和过去画上的句号。Face vicissitudes of face, bitter smile and the end of the past.

  4、爱情就是这样,不是你骗我,就是我被你骗。Love is like this, either you cheat me, or I am cheated by you.

  5、静静的观望,不知是没有到来的还是已逝去的。Watching quietly, I don't know whether it is not coming or has passed away.

  6、我无法像你那样,把无情无义演绎得这么淋漓尽致。I can't deduce heartlessness so incisively and vividly as you do.

  7、阳光温热,岁月静好。你若不来,我怎敢老去。The sunshine is warm and the years are quiet. How dare I grow old if you don't come.

  8、心碎的感觉,你知道有多难受吗?Do you know how hard it is to feel heartbroken?

  9、从来都没有人跟我说过,没有了我会难过。No one ever told me that I would be sad without it.

  10、尽力爱了的人,分开之后反而更坦荡。People who love as much as possible are more magnanimous after separation.

  11、在夏日的午后,晾晒出任何与你相关的画面。Any picture related to you in the afternoon.

  12、爱若卑微,便不再是爱;爱若疼痛,就不叫爱。If love is humble, it is no longer love; if love is painful, it is not called love.

  13、请不要接近我,了解我,心疼我,然后离开我。Please do not approach me, understand me, love me, and then leave me.

  14、曾经念念不忘的那个人,到后来却只剩一个名字。The man who never forgets, but later only has a name.

  15、我的青春被我的无所谓伤害,从此一去不复返。My youth was hurt by my indifference, and never returned.

  16、在一起几年的风风雨雨,确抵不过别人的支词片语。The ups and downs of a few years together are no match for other people's words and phrases.

  17、越来越喜欢让眼泪模糊双眼,我知道这不是自己。More and more like to let tears blur my eyes, I know this is not myself.

  18、世上最累人的事,莫过于虚伪的过日子。The most tiring thing in the world is to live a hypocritical life.

  19、你都如何回忆我,带着笑或是很沉默。How do you remember me, with a smile or very silent.

  20、我对你的爱绵绵不绝,我对你的爱有增无减。My love for you is endless, and my love for you is increasing.

  21、有些人不会忘,因为不舍得;有些人必须忘,因为不值得。Some people will not forget, because they will not give up; some people must forget, because it is not worth it.

  22、有多少感情从当初的形影不离,到如今的形影单只。How many feelings from the original inseparable, to today's shadow alone.

  23、与你约定的,一起背叛夏天,私奔到时光的末端。With your agreement, betray summer together, elope to the end of time.

  24、有些话别烂在心里,趁我还在,趁我还爱,说出口吧。Some words do not rot in the heart, while I am still, while I still love, say it.

  25、你是景色,我是游客,无可避免让我经过。You are the scenery, I am the tourist, inevitably let me pass.

  26、我掩盖内心的痛,答应你分手以后好好的。I cover up the pain in my heart and promise you to be good after you break up.

  27、即使我颠倒整个世界,也还是没能摆正你的倒影。Even if I turn the whole world upside down, I still can't put your reflection right.

  28、桥断了,人散了,桥上美好的一切破裂了,伸手去抓。The bridge is broken, the people are scattered, and all the beautiful things on the bridge are broken. Let's reach for it.

  29、你不再给我感动,给我一丝的温暖与温柔。You no longer give me moved, give me a trace of warmth and tenderness.

  30、你也太不小心了,你负点责任行不行,我每次我都戴帽子。You are too careless. Can you take some responsibility? I always wear a hat.

  31、明明动了情,还装作不在乎;明明动了心,却还不能靠近。Clearly moved, but also pretended not to care; clearly moved the heart, but can not get close.

  32、我写下了你的名字,然后眼泪大颗大颗的往下掉。I wrote down your name, and then tears fell down.

  33、“承诺”没有统一零售价有时一文不值有时千金难买。"Promise" has no uniform retail price, sometimes it is worthless, and sometimes it is hard to buy.

  34、我想你,有一点点深,有一点点频繁,还一天比一天更浓。I miss you, a little bit deep, a little frequent, but also day by day more thick.

  35、成长是一段锥心的疼痛,不计后果的那段,叫做青春。Growth is a cone of pain, regardless of the consequences of the period, called youth.

  36、如果有来生,我要当条被子,不是躺在床上就是在晒太阳!If there is an afterlife, I want to be a quilt, either lying in bed or in the sun!

  37、原来我们之间的感情如此脆弱,脆弱到只需一句话。It turns out that the feelings between us are so fragile that only one sentence is needed.

  38、我们抱着宁缺毋滥的态度,自由着,孤独着。We are free and lonely with the attitude that we prefer to be short rather than excessive.

  39、劳资的心也是肉做的,你以为是不锈钢而且防水啊!Labor's heart is also made of meat. You think it's stainless steel and waterproof!

  40、真希望我脸上无所谓的时候,心里也无所谓。I wish my face doesn't matter, and my heart doesn't matter.

  41、禁锢在自己的世界,容被侵犯。Imprisoned in their own world, to be violated.

  42、我在等一个拥抱,拥抱我所有的不安。I'm waiting for a hug, to embrace all my uneasiness.

  43、死亡和幸福一样遥不可及。Far away, as well as death.

  44、记忆中的那家店,我再也没有去过了。I have never been to the store in my memory.

  45、余生我会独自走过,不论风雨。I will walk alone for the rest of my life, regardless of the wind and rain.

  46、你是我的鬼迷心窍,只有我自己知道。You are my obsession, only I know.

  47、最好不相知,如此便可不相思。It's better not to know each other, so we can not miss each other.

  48、眼泪没有太多,只是可以为你流成河。Tears are not too much, just can flow into a river for you.

  49、如今的绝情,冷淡,谁的杰作。Today's heartless, indifferent, whose masterpiece.

  50、如果有一天,你的耳边不再有人纠缠。If one day, your ear no longer entangled.

  51、爱你是种煎熬,心痛的我想逃。Love you is a kind of suffering, heartache I want to escape.

  52、梦的确很美,我却总在梦中与你相随。The dream is really beautiful, but I always accompany you in the dream.

  53、握不住的沙,让它随风散去吧。Can't hold the sand, let it go with the wind.

  54、你希望掌握永恒,那你必须控制现在。If you want to master eternity, you must control the present.

  55、这是假的爱情,却是真的生活。It's fake love, but it's real life.

  56、不被理解的弱小,只好一直假装坚强。The weak who are not understood have to pretend to be strong all the time.

  57、没有任何一种分离不让人心酸。There is no separation that is heartbreaking.

  58、爱情不是买卖,不是公平的比赛。Love is not a business, not a fair game.

  59、有些人,一旦离开,就再也回不来了。Some people, once left, will never come back.

  60、冰握久了,泼杯凉水都觉得温暖。After holding the ice for a long time, I feel warm when I pour a glass of cold water.

  61、再多的解释。也是掩饰你心里的不安。More explanation. It's also to cover up your uneasiness.

  62、我们和好吧,别人的手我不想牵。Let's make up. I don't want to hold other people's hands.

  63、相互不打扰,才是给彼此最好的放生。Do not disturb each other, is to give each other the best release.

  64、明知没有结果,却又舍不得离开。Knowing that there is no result, but reluctant to leave.

  65、为他流泪,只是为了洗净眼里的污秽。Tears for him, just to wash the filth from his eyes.

  66、你不要太难过,因为我不会离开。Don't be too sad, because I won't leave.

  67、走完同一条街,回到两个相同的世界。Walk the same street and return to the same world.

  68、我们从陌生开始,又以陌生结束。We begin with strangeness and end with strangeness.

  69、现在单曲循环的歌词里,全都是悲伤。Now the lyrics of the single cycle are all sad.

  70、悲伤的记忆,偏偏记得这么深刻。Sad memory, but remember so deeply.









